Tax on Income
St 284, Olympic, Boeng Kengkorng.
089 888 378/ 093 888 797
Tax on Income (ToI)
Tax on Income is an annual tax that governments impose on income generated by businesses and individuals.
Residency and Source of Income
*A resident taxpayer is a company that is:
- organized or managed in Cambodia or
- has its principal place of business in Cambodia.
- present in Cambodia for more than 182 days in any 12-month period ending in the current tax year.
*In contrast, a non-resident tax payer is not a resident tax payer.
*Resident taxpayers are subject to tax on their worldwide income while non-residents are taxed on Cambodian-sourced income only.
Tax Rate

(*)Taxable income and tax rate of resident individuals (progressive rate) have been using:

(*)Taxable income and tax rate of resident individuals (progressive rate) that will be practiced on 1st January 2023 onwards Pursuant to Sub-Decree of the Royal Government of Cambodia No. 196 dated 28 September 2022:

Fiscal year is determined from January 1 to December 31 each year. Tax on Income must be declared by March 31 of the following year. According to Prakas No. 1481 dated December 31, 2007, in the case of foreign companies which held 51% up shares by non-residents both legal and natural persons can request to change this fiscal year and the deadline for preparing and submitting tax on income is changed too.
ABC co., ltd. is a trading company established in Cambodia since 2019. In year 2020 its total revenue is 500,000$ and total is expenses is 300,000$. Prepayment tax on income that company has paid monthly is 5,000$. So the tax on income for year 2020 is as below: