Tax Resubmission
Tax Services
Tax Resubmission
Nothing is perfect. Sometimes your tax declaration work from the past periods contains errors. This happens all the time. However, there are certain things business owners should know about these past errors.
The law only allows three years back tax resubmission. For example: now is April 2022; so the tax declaration that can be resubmitted are: all types of tax declarations in the year 2021, all types of tax declarations in the year 2020, and tax declarations on April 2019. For this resubmission, you just have to pay the unpaid tax with penalties and interest penalties accumulated. However, if you ignore it, things can go complicated. If serious enough, it can cause too whole business to close down.
LBC strongly urges you to hire people with enough competence in accounting and tax to do the declaration with the authorities (GDT) on your behalf, or it could turn out to be a nightmare.